Potato Cousin and Radish Cousin came over for their regular Saturday visit, and since I was actually off today from work (I know, a Saturday, all free to use!!!), I got to spend all morning and afternoon with them. Lucky for them, I avoid spending all day in front of a television (for the most part, hahaha); I had them start off the day by building a "danger-ous bridge" for their various Hotwheels vehicles. This went on for almost an hour, most of which was spent on the construction rather than on the actual use of the bridge. Anyway, while playing around with the altitude of the bridge, my younger sister brought out some books from my bookcase, one of which was the oh-so-wonderful --but oh-so-heavy-- accounting textbook.
This is where one thinks, what, you didn't sell your accounting textbook??? The book that weighs as much as you do? The book that could bruise you without trying too hard? Yeah...I kept that book, but not because I'm a masochist...OK, not just because I'm a masochist. I decided to keep it, actually, because first, I wasn't gonna get as much as I deserved if I sold that poor book back, and second, because it could come in handy in the future.
Well, I hadn't thought about that poor book since then. I should probably read over it again, you know, get my brain to refresh its accounting knowledge, ensure that I still remember everything I learned or whatever. Let's add that to my list of things to do this year: refresh accounting knowledge/learning stuff. And re-subscribing to the Wall Street Journal, to keep up with the financial news of today. And get some more German literature, some light and fun reading, you know. I can't let all my knowledge go to waste.
In other news, I realized that I totally love Two Door Cinema Club. Like, a lot. Enjoy!